Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1:
As Coach Letterman preps for his next season of youth football domination his coaching staff continues to fall apart.His Defensive Coach finds enlightenment....
Season 2, Episode 2: Pat Ruined Everything
Pat the gas station attendant is put in charge of try out day by Commissioner Gordon, his Grandfather, and everything goes horribly wrong. Due to error by th...
Season 2, Episode 3: Capturing Icarus
Letterman has to refill Copperhead Creek and tales Coach Neubert and Cousin Shane on a good ol' fashioned snake picklin'. But after being bit Shane takes Let...
Season 2, Episode 4: The New Apprentice
After losing Drake to enlightenment Coach Letterman needs a replacement Linebacker Coach
Season 2, Episode 5: Draft Day
Coach Letterman turns to his draft specialist Coach Neubert and his world class ability to size child up sight unseen. Things go wrong and Letterman must mak...
Season 2, Episode 6: The Divine Treelight
Excited by his upcoming 8th birthday, on leap day February 29th, star quarterback Jordo Treelight contemplates his next moves on his way to the league. First...